
Flavour of the quarter

My customary three month crushes are well known to all my friends. They are fully aware of my weird 'flavour of the quarter' syndrome & are more often than not, ready to indulge my weirdness. There is however a strict pattern that I adhere to - It is always a one sided crush. :) Hence, as I smoothly transition from one to the other, they all end on a happy note.

This latest crush of mine however, ended on a sad note when I decided to watch Phoonk 2. How I wish to go back in time and edit my lapse of judgment! My instincts were alerted when I first found that Phoonk 2 had the same cast as the last one. Something screamed on the lines of "people needing to learn from past mistakes". However, I decided to ignore the warning signs and decided to endure the movie, come what may.

After a mind-numbingly boring first half hour, I went to sleep for the next half. On waking up, I was forced to deal with the reality that my crush had worn off :( After being thoroughly exorcised of my latest 'intellectual engagement', I came to the following conclusions -

1. You can never truly understand what motivates men.
2. Most men never learn from their past mistakes.
3. Most women love to cry on a man's shoulder to enforce their own sense of fragility.
4. Most women hate to help themselves.
5. Most women love to assign all 'corrective responsibilities' to men irrespective of the man's capabilities.
6. Atheist or not, most men just suck at choosing good homes for themselves or their families.

Indulge me if I am wrong.

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