
To my prized collection

Life has a strange way of teaching us lessons in friendship and trust. People who you never thought you could get along with, turn out to be the ones with the golden hearts. Then of course, you go ahead and make serious judgmental errors. It is hard to accept failure. But when you look back at all the writings on the wall, you are just glad to have learnt your lesson in time. That is when you remember your true friends and family who accept all your weirdness, put up with your crankiness, share the madness and love you nevertheless.

In our increasingly hectic lives, we often forget to thank and say "I love you" to those who really matter. This post is dedicated to all my real buddies for always being there for me when I needed you most. For somehow saying just the right words when I was at my lowest. For all the fights and making-ups. For calling me names that got my feet back on the ground! For discounting all my mistakes and harsh words. For never allowing me to mince words :). Celebrating the essence of our friendship cannot be just an annual event. Just a few words from you guys, light up my entire day. Your friendships makes everyday of my life special. Thank you guys and gals - for just being you.

Love from 'yours truly'.

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