
What is not, was not meant to be - Perhaps

Every once in a while, looking into the mirror that was your past, you wish life gave you a second chance. A chance to have taken the risk and confessed your true feelings which you hid for fear of hurting those you love. A chance to take a chance. A chance to reach out for that special someone you could have had. A chance to experience what could have been. A chance to at least be able to talk honestly to each other just once, before you parted forever. A chance to allow what was perhaps not meant to be. A chance to investigate all those looks that passed and seemed so full of meaning. A chance for either to have shown more courage.

They said you were wrong for me. You had similar doubts for yourself. They said you were older & smarter. I already knew that. They said you would tire of me soon and I would soon slip down your priorities. I was afraid to prove them right. The pain is hard to bear. Leaving the past behind is tough. Forgetting even tougher. The more you try to forget, the more you remember the silliest encounters. And then you realize that you really don't wish to forget, for they were all something special. And then in the clear and present, all you wish, is for the future to bring each as much happiness as possible to make up for the loss of being together.

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